Archetype Theory and Contingency Factors - The Case of German Law Firms

S. Kaiser, T. Kampe, in: European Group of Organisation Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Wien,  05.-07.07., 2007.

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Konferenzbeitrag | Englisch
Kaiser, Stefan; Kampe, TimFH Bielefeld
In the present paper we examine different forms of organizational archetypes of law firms in the German market. An organizational archetype is defined as “a set of structures and systems that reflect a single interpretive scheme” (Greenwood & Hinings, 1993, 1052). Whilst with the “professional partnership” (P² form) and the so-called “managed professional business” (MPB) two dominant archetypes have well been documented, it remains unclear whether there is a general movement towards the managed professional business or the two or whether even more archetypes coexist. Whereas it is often argued that a change in dominant archetype takes place due to external market constraints, in fact other contingency factors could play a role. The present study confirms previous work that argues for two archetypes, P² and MPB as organizational forms of law firms. However, simultaneously it becomes apparent that these are rather two poles of a continuum, since at least a third, schizoid form exists. Analyzing interpretive schemes and contingency factors, we can give some evidence that this schizoid form is a typical stable archetype of law firms on their way to growth.
Titel des Konferenzbandes
European Group of Organisation Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Wien, 05.-07.07.
23rd European Group of Organisation Studies (EGOS) Colloquium
2007-07-05 – 2007-07-07


Kaiser, Stefan ; Kampe, Tim: Archetype Theory and Contingency Factors - The Case of German Law Firms. In: European Group of Organisation Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Wien,  05.-07.07., 2007
Kaiser S, Kampe T. Archetype Theory and Contingency Factors - The Case of German Law Firms. In: European Group of Organisation Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Wien,  05.-07.07. ; 2007.
Kaiser, S., & Kampe, T. (2007). Archetype Theory and Contingency Factors - The Case of German Law Firms. In European Group of Organisation Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Wien,  05.-07.07. Wien.
@inproceedings{Kaiser_Kampe_2007, title={Archetype Theory and Contingency Factors - The Case of German Law Firms}, booktitle={European Group of Organisation Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Wien,  05.-07.07.}, author={Kaiser, Stefan and Kampe, Tim}, year={2007} }
Kaiser, Stefan, and Tim Kampe. “Archetype Theory and Contingency Factors - The Case of German Law Firms.” In European Group of Organisation Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Wien,  05.-07.07., 2007.
S. Kaiser and T. Kampe, “Archetype Theory and Contingency Factors - The Case of German Law Firms,” in European Group of Organisation Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Wien,  05.-07.07., Wien, 2007.
Kaiser, Stefan, and Tim Kampe. “Archetype Theory and Contingency Factors - The Case of German Law Firms.” European Group of Organisation Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Wien,  05.-07.07., 2007.


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