HSBI GlobalFIT Initiative

HSBI GlobalFIT Initiative

The aim of the FIT programme of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is to give universities the opportunity to support international students along their entire educational path in Germany with tailor-made offers. The aim is to support students throughout their studies and then integrate them successfully into the German labour market. To this end, a total of 89 projects are being funded across Germany with a term from 2024 to 2028, including the "HSBI GlobalFIT Initiative".

Short description of the project

The recruitment, admission and training of international students are explicit goals of HSBI's International Strategy 2020-2030, which focuses on the academic success of international students in terms of their suitability for the labour market and considers the entire student journey. The Ostwestfalen-Lippe (OWL) region offers excellent conditions for students to remain in the region after their studies: There is a high density of industry, especially SMEs, 94% of which are already internationally active.

The demand for skilled labour is high: while there is already a shortage of 44,000 skilled workers across all sectors in 2023, this is expected to rise to 119,000 by 2033 (Fachkräftemonitor NRW). Companies in OWL will only be able to meet this demand in the future with the help of qualified, international employees. However, there are still hurdles to practical implementation, both within HSBI and with the practice partners.

The measures planned in the "HSBI GlobalFIT Initiative" project support both sides in creating the necessary framework conditions.

A study of the academic progress of several cohorts shows that, contrary to the general trend, the average academic success of international students at HSBI is significantly higher than that of German students. However, the number of international students is still low at around 8%; the aim is to increase this to 20% by 2030. This fits in with the goal defined in OWL GmbH's most recent strategy process of supplying the labour market in OWL with 30,000 additional foreign skilled workers over the next four years. However, HSBI is often not the first choice for international students due to the small number of degree programmes offered in English. So far, only one Master's programme ("International Business Management") and individual modules are in English. For this reason, HSBI is currently systematically expanding its English-language programmes to include two STEM Bachelor's degrees ("Industrial Engineering", WS 24/25; "Mechatronics", WS 25/26) and a Master's degree ("Data Science", WS 24/25).

As significantly more international students are expected in the short term, now is the right time to expand and reorganise the necessary support structures. The information, counselling and support services currently available at HSBI are not tailored to the needs of international students. A Preparation Stage should therefore ensure the recruitment and targeted support of prospective international students in the future. Another challenge is to ensure that a significantly larger number of international students succeed in their studies and are able to connect to the regional labour market. To this end, a study programme with two parallel tracks, "Study Success" and "Employability", is to be established to accompany the entire student journey. HSBI has already introduced a limited, voluntary support programme for international students with a focus on career preparation, which is now to be significantly expanded in terms of content and scope and anchored in the course of studies. The

ConnectOWL careers fair and the existing mentoring programme are also to be further developed. HSBI also aims to impart in-depth knowledge about studying, living and working in Germany and the OWL region in particular. To this end, a modular, web-based OER training programme is to be developed as part of the project.

International students report difficulties that are mainly caused by poor German language skills (HSBI survey 2021) and have a negative impact on integration into their studies and everyday life as well as application processes. For this reason, continuous German acquisition is planned throughout the entire student journey as part of the project. HSBI established a language centre in 2022, where German courses for refugees, for example, are already taking place. In addition, a concept for study-related German courses in English and German-language degree programmes has been created, which is to be further developed and put into practice. In order to facilitate the seamless transition of international graduates into the labour market, networking is also to be promoted throughout the entire student journey: via a network of international students and a further network of practice partners as well as in matching. The second network can be linked to the existing practice offices in the faculties, the Department of Continuing Education and the approx. 400 cooperating companies of HSBI.

Last but not least, there is no central contact point that can coordinate all of this. To this end, the establishment of an International Career Service (ICS) is planned, which does not yet exist at HSBI. This should act as a hub for internal departments, external partners and international students in relation to the project content. Overarching project management will also be ensured by a steering committee, with the involvement of students, internal stakeholders and external partners. The regular exchange between the project managers and this group ensures that the project content is consistently aligned with the needs of the target groups and those involved in the project and that project implementation is optimised.

Due to the great importance of STEM subjects for HSBI and the regional economy, the project will initially focus primarily on recruiting and supporting international students in STEM subjects. Once the first pilots have been implemented, the measures are to be opened up to all other degree programmes.

German courses offered by HSBI’s Language Center

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