Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Training and Teaching

Erasmus+ offers funding for guest lecturers at European partner universities, for stays of company representatives from abroad at German universities and for further education and training measures for university staff at European universities and companies.

Please note that a request for an official journey/further training must be submitted before the start of the journey (usually at least 4–6 weeks before the planned journey).

Fancy a staff mobility outside the Erasmus+ area?

No problem! Visit our page on staff mobility worldwide.

Are you employed at HSBI as a doctoral candidate?

Then you have various options for your stay abroad!

  • Stays abroad for students (e.g., semester abroad, short stays)
  • Staff mobility for employees going abroad through Erasmus+ – please see information provided below
Further education and training

With the Erasmus+ programme, HSBI employees can travel abroad for further education and training. For example, employees can participate in workshops or training at universities or in European companies. Funding is available for stays at universities with ECHE or at other institutions located in a programme country that are active in the labour market or in the fields of education, vocational training or youth.

The following video provided by the National Agency for Erasmus+ in DAAD gives a good overview of staff mobility for further education and training:

Benefits of an Erasmus+ stay for further education and training:

  • Professional exchange and new perspectives
  • Enhancing your international and intercultural skills
  • Improving your language skills
  • Expanding and intensifying networks
  • Contributing to HSBI becoming more international


Who can apply?

Employees from any of HSBI’s areas can receive funding.

For example:

  • Technical and administrative staff
  • Library staff
  • Faculty members
  • Staff in the financial department
  • International Office staff
  • Communications Office staff
  • Human Resources and Organisation staff
  • Student Counselling Service staff
  • Data Processing Centre staff
  • Facility Management staff


What is funded?

Further education and training, including

  • Job shadowing
  • Participation in International Weeks, workshops and seminars
  • Participation in language courses

Numerous European universities offer interesting further education weeks. These staff weeks can vary greatly in content, address a specific target group or have a thematic focus.

Please find an overview of offers on the European IMOTION platform. In consultation with your supervisor, you will apply for participation directly at the organising institution and at the same time submit an application for Erasmus+ funding in the International Office.


Duration of funding

Funded stays abroad must last a minimum of two days and a maximum of two months.


Financial benefits for Erasmus+ mobility

The Erasmus+ programme can fund travel and subsistence expenses. Funding will be calculated on a flat-rate basis for the different programme countries (or, where applicable, partner countries) in accordance with the programme regulations.

Depending on the Erasmus+ project, different funding rates and possibilities apply to the respective country groups. The Erasmus+ flat rates are billed in accordance with the formal and time requirements of HSBI’s travel expense office.



Before starting the start of the journey

  • Proof of contact/invitation of the receiving institution (e.g. e-mail)
  • Approved request for official journey/training
  • Preparation of a work/training programme (Mobility Agreement) with the receiving institution and HSBI’s International Office 
  • Grant Agreement between the participating person and HSBI’s International Office 

After the journey

  • Letter of Confirmation from the receiving institution
  • Writing a participant report in an online tool of the European Commission
  • Submitting the claim for travel expenses to the travel expense office.
Teaching abroad

There are opportunities for teaching staff at universities to become guest lecturers abroad with Erasmus+. The following video provided by the National Agency for Erasmus+ in DAAD gives a good overview of staff mobility for further education and training:


Benefits of being an Erasmus+ guest lecturer

  • Professional exchange and new perspectives
  • Enhancing your international and intercultural skills
  • Opportunity to reflect on your teaching activities
  • Expanding and intensifying networks
  • Contributing to HSBI becoming more international


Who can apply?

  • Professors and lecturers who have an employment contract with the university
  • Academic staff
  • Doctoral candidates who are active in teaching
  • Personnel from companies and organisations abroad (can be invited to HSBI for teaching purposes)


What is funded?

Stays at one of HSBI’s partner universities as a guest lecturer in an Erasmus programme or partner country are eligible for funding. Guest lecturers should strengthen the European dimension of the host university, supplement its courses and impart their knowledge to students who do not wish to or cannot study abroad. Where possible, the development of joint study programmes of the partner universities as well as the exchange of teaching content and methods should play a role.


Duration of funding

Teaching stays last between at least 2 days for programme countries or 5 days for partner countries and 60 days (each without travel periods). The required teaching load per stay is eight hours for the first week of stay or a shorter stay. For each additional day of stay beyond one week (seven days), the minimum number of hours will be calculated on a pro rata basis. If teaching and further training are combined, the teaching load is reduced to 4 hours per week.

There is no minimum teaching load for invited company representatives.


Financial benefits for Erasmus+ mobility

The Erasmus+ programme can fund travel and subsistence expenses. Funding will be calculated on a flat-rate basis for the different programme countries (or, where applicable, partner countries) in accordance with the programme regulations.

Depending on the Erasmus+ project, different funding rates and possibilities apply to the respective country groups.

The Erasmus+ flat rates are settled in accordance with the formal and time requirements of HSBI’s travel expense office.



Before starting the start of the journey

  • Proof of contact/invitation of the receiving institution (e.g. e-mail)
  • Approved request for official journey
  • Preparation of a work/training programme (Mobility Agreement) with the receiving institution and HSBI’s International Office 
  • Grant Agreement between the participating person and HSBI’s International Office 

After the journey

  • Letter of Confirmation from the receiving institution
  • Writing a participant report in an online tool of the European Commission
  • Submitting the claim for travel expenses to the travel expense office.
Information on Erasmus+
Erasmus+ is an EU programme to promote education, training, youth and sport in Europe. In the current programme generation (2021–2027), Erasmus+ aims to support European education agendas by driving forward the modernisation, internationalisation and qualitative improvement of the higher education sector in Europe. This includes strengthening the international competences, personal development and employability of students, increasing the attractiveness of the EU as a place to study and research, and promoting the sustainable development of higher education in third countries. In addition, the programme aims to help build more bridges across educational sectors and intensify cooperation between the various educational sectors. (Source: German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD))

Further information and background on Erasmus+:


Erasmus+ Institutional Coordinator
Vanessa Schaut, M.A.

Erasmus+ administration
Veronika Schwarz