Information for Scholars at Risk

A researcher holds petri dishes

Photo: Patrick Pollmeier / HSBI

As a member of the international “Scholars at Risk” network, HSBI shows solidarity with scholars at risk. If you belong to this group, you will find suitable consulting offers and services from the Welcome Center here.

For personal support, please contact us by e-mail at


Research and funding opportunities at HSBI

In order to be able to come to HSBI as a scholar at risk, you can either apply for one of the regular job postings or finance your stay at the university through a scholarship. Here are some scholarships that explicitly support scholars at risk:


Search for a mentor at HSBI

If you wish to come to HSBI, you will need an invitation from a mentor. If you do not have a mentor yet, you can find out about our faculties and research institutes to possibly find a suitable person.

Would you like our support in finding a mentor? Please send us a description of your teaching or research focus at and we will help you.

Planning and implementing your stay

Once you have received a scholarship or a regular position and have found a mentor at HSBI, you should start to prepare your stay. You find detailed information on planning your stay on this website.

Further assistance and support

If you are not eligible for a stay at HSBI, for example because your teaching and research area is not represented by us, we will be happy to support you in finding a suitable institution. Hochschulkompass and My Guide provide an overview of which subjects are offered at which German universities and help you to find the right university for you.